Please Pray For…
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Please remember to pray for all those men and women serving our country... especially Richie Morgan, Aaron Gillaspy, Bill Watson, Brian Schwartz, Rick Schwartz, Neil Isder, Philip Deckard, John Mauntel, Matthew Clark, Brian Baumfalk, Paul Leavens, Barbara Bitner, Austen Conwell, Anthony Bitner, Jarred Gentile, Mitch Daily, Mason Dill, Hans Meissnest, Steve Schwartz, Aidan Kearney, Seth Kirchner, Bryan Norris, Austin D’Agostino, Kyle Bolin, Tom Nichols, Wesley Weir, Baylee Fritz, Jacob Fritz, Tyler Sexton, Noah Benson, Max Clark, Cass Kaufman, Audie Kaufman, Travis Bender, Javon Yoder, Michael Wheeler, Jacob LaLonde, Josh Conn, Breann Dormer, Nicholas Freidline, Quinn Lechner, Derek Greene, Patrick Conradt, Kevin Lenahan, Mike Sward, Jon Sward, Adam McKinney and Andrew Watson are parishioners or loved ones of parishioners.