First Saturday Memorials
What is a “first Saturday memorial”?
A Memorial is a special offering made by the parishioners of St. Patrick Catholic Church, where your intentions are remembered at a
Is there a requested offering?
Based on the current Mass stipend, the Parish requests a yearly donation of $120.00 for the intentions to be remembered at this monthly
Listing my intentions:
Please list your intentions as one individual name such as John Doe or you may list family groupings such as The Smith Family or the Smith-Jones Family. If the intention is for John and Jane Doe, that would be considered two intentions and will be listed separately on two lines as John Doe and Jane Doe. If two intentions are submitted two applications will need to be filled out.
When do Masses begin?
The Masses will begin for the new year in December. The “intention year” will be from December to December. If you wish to continue having your intentions remembered at these Masses, please renew with the requested offering.
How do I become part of the “first Saturday memorial”?
Fill out the application below, and return it to the Parish Office as soon as possible, with your offering. For your convenience, you may put this form with your check in an envelope marked First Saturday Memorial, and drop it in the collection basket.
Click here for the form to begin or renew your 1st Saturday Memorial.
If you have any further questions, please contact the
Parish Office (765) 452-6021, during office hours.