Daily Mass Readings
Mass Times and Directions
Confession Times
Safe Environment & Reporting Abuse
Report an Incident of Sexual Abuse of a Minor
I'm New!
Welcome to St. Patrick!
Becoming Catholic
About Us
Our Parish
Our Clergy & Staff
STSJP School K-8th grade
Pastorate Vision Plan
Employment Opportunities
Contact Us
First Saturday Memorial
Adoration Chapel
St Cecilia Window
Our Sister Parish (Marfranc, Haiti)
Video Montage of St. Patrick
Parish History
Parish History
Priests Throughout the Years
Priests Born at St. Patrick
Fr. Ben Cameron, CPM
Jan - Feb Mailing
SP Calendar
Pastorate Calendar
Couples' Retreat
Couples' Retreat Registration
Year of Prayer 2024-2025
DPR: Pastorate Retreat
Ladies Night Out
40 Hours Feb 2-4
Youth Programs Overview
Elementary Age
SRE (K-8th grade)
First Holy Communion Sacramental Prep
Middle School Age
Middle School Catechesis/ SRE
Middle School Youth Group Registration 2024-2025
High School Age
High School Youth Group
Confirmation I & II - Freshmen & Sophomores
Confirmation Registration Form (2024-2025)
Destination Jesus
HS Mission Trip
The Guardians HS Servers
Young Adults
Adult help needed!
Adult Formation
Women's Formation
Bible Studies
Donuts and Doctrine
Natural Family Planning
Catholic Links
Get Involved!
Ways To Serve
Young Families
Pro Life
Embrace Grace
Young Adults
Haiti Ministry
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer List
First Reconciliation and Communion
Religious Vocations
Anointing of the sick
Funeral Planning
Online Giving
What More Can We Do?
Catholic Ministries Appeal
Tithing Calculator
I'm New!
Contact Us
Online Giving
STSJP School K-8th grade
Daily Mass Readings
Mass Times and Directions
Confession Times
Safe Environment & Reporting Abuse
I'm New!
Welcome to St. Patrick!
Becoming Catholic
About Us
Our Parish
Our Clergy & Staff
STSJP School K-8th grade
Pastorate Vision Plan
Employment Opportunities
Contact Us
First Saturday Memorial
Adoration Chapel
St Cecilia Window
Our Sister Parish (Marfranc, Haiti)
Video Montage of St. Patrick
Parish History
Parish History
Priests Throughout the Years
Priests Born at St. Patrick
Jan - Feb Mailing
SP Calendar
Pastorate Calendar
Couples' Retreat
Year of Prayer 2024-2025
DPR: Pastorate Retreat
Ladies Night Out
40 Hours Feb 2-4
Youth Programs Overview
Elementary Age
Middle School Age
High School Age
Young Adults
Adult help needed!
Adult Formation
Women's Formation
Bible Studies
Donuts and Doctrine
Natural Family Planning
Catholic Links
Get Involved!
Ways To Serve
Young Families
Pro Life
Embrace Grace
Young Adults
Haiti Ministry
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer List
First Reconciliation and Communion
Religious Vocations
Anointing of the sick
Funeral Planning
Online Giving
What More Can We Do?
Catholic Ministries Appeal
Tithing Calculator
Confirmation Registration Form 2024-2025
Youth Programs Overview
Elementary Age
Middle School Age
High School Age
High School Youth Group
Confirmation I & II - Freshmen & Sophomores
Confirmation Registration Form (2024-2025)
Destination Jesus
HS Mission Trip
The Guardians HS Servers
Young Adults
Adult help needed!
Adult Formation
Women's Formation
Bible Studies
Donuts and Doctrine
Natural Family Planning
Catholic Links
Confirmation Registration 2024-2025
The maximum number of form submissions has been reached. This form is currently not available.
Year II: those currently in 10th grade
Year I: those currently in 9th grade
Current Parish of the Confirmand
St. Patrick
St. Joan of Arc
Please fill out this field.
Year of Confirmand
Year I (9th grade)
Year II (10th grade)
Please fill out this field.
If you registered your child last year as Year I, please fill out the form again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Confirmand Information
As it appears on the Baptismal Certificate
Full Name (First, Middle, & Last)
First Name, Middle Name (not just initial), Last Name
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
City & State of Church Where Baptized (add country if necessary)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Date of Baptism (MM/DD/YYYY)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Father's Full Name (First, Middle, & Last)
First Name, Middle Name (not just initial), Last Name
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Mother's Full Name (First, Middle, & Maiden)
First Name, Middle Name (not just initial), Maiden Name (use Maiden, not current Last)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Baptismal Certificate is due September 29.
If your child was baptized at Saint Joan of Arc or Saint Patrick we will get the necessary certificate for you.
If your child was baptized elsewhere, please contact the parish where the child was baptized, and have them send a baptismal record with notations.
They can send an electronic copy to
[email protected]
or they can mail it.
We need the copy from the Church of Baptism, not the copy you received.
Saint Patrick Catholic Church
Attn: Jacob Haberstroh
1204 N. Armstrong St.
Kokomo, IN 46901
Saint Joan of Arc Catholic Church
Attn: Jacob Haberstroh
3155 S. 200 W.
Kokomo, IN 46902
Sponsor Information (for Year II)
Sponsor MUST be at least age 16, confirmed in the Catholic Church, in good standing (receiving the sacraments), and actively practicing the Catholic faith. If married, a sponsor must be married in the Catholic Church. A sponsor cannot be the Confirmand's parent. It is not necessary to have a sponsor yet, but if you know who you might want to be your sponsor, forward them the Sponsor's Certificate, and have them complete and return it to the parish.
Sponsor's Name (tentative until Sponsor Form received)
Please enter valid data.
Sponsor's Parish
Please enter valid data.
Saint Name
Please enter valid data.
(For Year II Only)
Baptismal Certificate (if not SJA or SP) -- due Sunday, September 29, 2023
Sponsor Form (download from website) -- due Sunday, January 5, 2024
Saint Essay/Questionnaire (download from website) -- due Sunday, January 5, 2024
Photo Release
At various times during the year, school and pastorate representatives, the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana, partners/vendors of the diocese and a variety of media outlets request permission to film, video tape and photograph activities and events at the pastorate or school. They subsequently publish, broadcast, or use these materials, which often include images, and descriptions of students/minors, as well as their work products. If you consent and grant permission for your child's likeness or work products to be used/featured by your school/pastorate/Dicoese of Lafayette-in-Indiana and its partners for electronic or social media, please sign (by typing your full name) in the appropriate space below.
SIGNATURE (for Photo Release)
Please enter valid data.
Communication Updates
Our primary way of communication related to your child's Confirmation is through email. Please include an email address that you check regularly.
Please enter valid data.
Phone Number
Please enter valid data.
If you prefer to receive updates via text, please provide a phone number.
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