Tami Maurer, Coordinator of Religious Education
For All Grade Levels - "Postures"
Video: Why Stand, Sit, & Kneel by Fr. Brice Higginbotham
For All Grade Levels - "Easter"
Activities & Crafts: Several Easter-themed things from "Catholic Icing"
Grades K-2 (Easter)
Video: Easter Sunday (Cycle B) from Catholic Kids Media
Grades 3-8 (Easter)
Video: Easter Special from Fr. Mike Schmitz
Chad Grube, Director of Adult Faith Formation & Evangelization
“[O]ur religion, our prayer, demands bodily expression. Because the Lord, the Risen One, gives himself in the Body, we have to respond in soul and body....all the spiritual possibilities of our body are necessarily included in celebrating the Eucharist: singing, speaking, keeping silence, sitting, standing, kneeling.”
-- God Is Near Us: The Eucharistic, the Heart of Life
by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger